Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Have A Dream...

....in which the system of Reiki becomes so widely accepted and so widely practised that there is a Reiki practitioner in every family. 

...in which we all know and claim the unconditional love, light and healing energy that already exists within each one of us.

...in which Reiki teachers/practitioners the world over work together to make this wonderful life-giving system easily accessible to all who wish to work with it.

You are in that dream!

Can we make it a reality?


Monday, August 24, 2009

Just Being

This morning as I sat listening to Pamela Miles' superb guided meditation for Week 2 of the Virtual Usui Retreat the following suggestion jumped out at me: "don't try to fix it....just be present with it" and it got me thinking about all of those times in my life that I have felt an uncomfortable sensation, be it emotional, physical or spiritual, and have gone out of my way to try to "fit it" rather than just be still, sit with it and really feel it, really listen to what it was trying to tell me.  More often than not, I made "it" worse with my efforts, rather than better! 

I wonder what would happen if we were all able to just sit with "it" - whatever "it" may be at any given time - and stopped expending so much energy trying to make "it" go away?

I'm nowhere near the expert that I would like to be on just sitting with my stuff but I do know that when I choose to let it, Reiki will ease the discomfort and soothe my senses.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Reiki As A Spiritual Practice

This is our focus this week at the Usui Virtual Retreat and because it is a topic that is so close to my heart, I wanted to share it here as well.  Our facilitator, Pamela Miles, gives us a working definition of spirituality as follows:  "...that part of us where we sort it all out, where we work out our relationship to ourselves, one another and to life itself...where we cope with uncertainty, where we go beyond the anxiety and the anger that uncertainty can trigger.....our place of inner retreat..."

I couldn't even begin to come up with a better definition of what Reiki is to me other than to add that:

Reiki for me is about stillness, whether I'm doing a self-treatment, treating someone else, meditating on the precepts and/or doing breathwork, it is a slowing down and going within, observing and connecting with what lies there.  Even more than that, though, for me Reiki is about taking that stillness into the world, a world that, for the most part, seems anything but still .

Feeling very grateful today to be taking part in the retreat and to be walking this path.


Usui Virtual Retreat

For 3 weeks, beginning August 15 and running through to September 4, Usui Virtual Retreat

This first week has been a wonderful reminder for me of the value of Stillness as I focus on being present during my daily Reiki self-treatments.  I'm eager to find out what Pamela has in store for week 2!

The Reiki Precepts

The Reiki Precepts - the foundation around which the system of Reiki was built.  There are several versions but this is the one that really resonates with me:

"Just For Today...

I will let go of anger
I will let go of worry
I will count my many blessings

I will do my work honestly
I will be kind to every living thing"

A wonderful reminder to be in the present moment, to be calm, to use my emotional energy productively, to be grateful, to do my best in all my endeavours, to be compassionate and gentle - with myself and others.  Easier said than done some days, but a very valuable blueprint for living and walking The Reiki Path.

Is there another version that speaks to you?  Tell me about it!